Three Reasons Why Your Art Gallery Needs To Invest In Standby Generators

If you own and operate an art gallery, then you already know the importance of keeping art at an even temperature and moderate humidity. If you have a really large gallery, then you probably also have some really large energy demands and equally as large air conditioners. Your electrical power room probably contains some large power generators, but you should also consider investing in standby generators. Here are three reasons why you should seriously consider such an investment.

Loss in Power=Loss in Gallery Temperature and Humidity Control

Should a major storm roll through overhead and cause a blackout, your gallery would not only be left in the dark, but also left without the means to control the temperature and humidity which is so vital to the preservation of art. If you had standby generators, you only have to flip a switch or put the standby generators on auto pilot and your ability to control the gallery's environment would continue virtually uninterrupted. When you have some especially expensive pieces on display in your gallery, it is worth the expense to invest in extra generators to preserve the safety of this expensive art.

Loss in Power=Increase in Thefts

Since your security system depends heavily on electrical power, you lose your security when you lose the power. That leaves the proverbial window and actual doors wide open for thieves to grab whatever art they can carry and run. There is no way to see and/or record damage to the gallery and works of art and no way to prove that one or more perpetrators committed any crime. If you can do anything to prevent even the momentary loss of power, then you can prevent the loss and theft of valuable works from your gallery.

Loss in Power=Unintentional Losses of Works of Art

Art takes on so many forms that some artists have included electrical power in some way in their art, or their art heavily depends on frigid and dry temperatures. Without the electricity or tightened controls on temperature within the art, the art is lost. Art that is damaged or destroyed through the loss of electrical power, faulty environmental controls or failing HVAC components equals a lot of money that you and your gallery will have to pay the artists for the loss of the pieces involved. Avoid all of these financially painful scenarios by insuring your gallery to the maximum allowed; hire an HVAC contractor to check your air conditioning and humidity systems frequently, and of course, install standby generators to keep everything up and running without lapses in power.
