Heating Questions and Concerns for Homeowners

There are few appliances that will have a more profound impact on the quality of life in your home than your heating system. Sadly, while these systems are extremely important for any home, there are homeowners that have little experience or knowledge when it comes to getting the most out of these vital comfort systems.

How Can You Increase the Airflow from Your Heating System?

As your heating system ages, it can be common for it to experience a noticeable decrease in the pressure of the air coming from the vents. If this problem becomes severe enough, it can dramatically reduce the comfort inside your home, and it may also contribute to higher energy expenses, as your system must run for far longer it should take to adequately heat the home.

Luckily, this problem can often be corrected by changing the air filters to the system, as they can become clogged. Also, you may want to have the heating unit serviced so that any dirt, dust, or mechanical problem that is impacting airflow can be corrected. In situations where the blockages are due to dirty ducting, you should hire a professional cleaning crew to service your home's duct system.

What Makes the Furnace Create a Burning Smell?

It is normal to briefly smell something burning when you first turn on the furnace after many weeks or months of being idle. This is a normal side effect of dust accumulating on the heating element of the system, and this problem should quickly fade. However, if you notice that this odor is lingering or occurs when the system has been running for a while, it could indicate a potential electrical problem. Therefore, you should avoid using the heating system until you have it repaired. This may force you to use space heaters to keep the house warm, but this will be a minor inconvenience compared to avoiding the risk of a fire.

Is Moisture Control an Issue to Worry About with Your Heating System?

For homes that are located in humid environments, moisture control with the heating, cooling, and ventilation system is an important task. Failing to control the moisture in these systems can lead to molds, mildews, and rot spreading throughout the home.

Luckily, excessive humidity is typically not a major problem for most heating systems, but if you are noticing condensation forming around the air vents or heating unit, you may want to place a dehumidifier in the room with the heater or install a dehumidifying attachment.

Visit sites such as http://thurlowsheatingandair.com/ to find an HVAC contractor near you.
