The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) in your home controls the temperature inside during the entire year. In the winter, it provides heating, and in the summer, it provides cooling. Even when the temperature is not extreme on either side of the thermometer, the system fan can move air throughout the home, creating much-needed ventilation. If the system is not working, you may need to consider replacing it.
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Zoned cooling systems are becoming more popular in modern homes. A zoned system allows you to have greater control over the amount of cool air generated by your air conditioning system. You can opt to cool the rooms that you use most often, and avoid wasting the energy required to cool rooms that see little use.
As much benefit as a zoned cooling system can provide, these systems are not without their flaws.
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Over-cycling of your HVAC systems doesn't mean your system is working efficiently or is staying on top of the temperature changes. In fact, it isn't good at all. This over-cycling can result in costly energy bills or could cause your system to breakdown prematurely. It will wear out the moving parts of your system and you could end up making repairs more often. If your furnace is over-cycling, you can do a little bit of troubleshooting to find the issue and then make the repair.
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Despite the name, heat pumps are not just a device for heating your home. Instead, heat pumps provide climate control throughout the year, cooling your home during the hot summer months and keeping it warm during the cold winter months. This all-in-one HVAC solution is tempting for many homeowners. If you are considering upgrading your home HVAC system or installing a whole new system, heat pumps potentially offer many advantages. Read on to learn about how these systems work so that you can make an informed choice about having one installed in your home.
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Having your furnace go out just when you need it the most is cause for serious concern. If your furnace suddenly experiences a loss of power, you will have some investigating to do. Here are some considerations to keep in mind as you begin to troubleshoot the problem.
Make Sure Power Is Actually Running to It
First things first, make sure your heating furnace is actually receiving a source of power.
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