Mini-Split Ductless Air Conditioning Installation To Update Your Home With Modern AC

If you are ready to update your home with a modern air conditioning system, installing a central HVAC system may be expensive and impractical. There is another solution to cool your home—ductless air conditioning. Today, there are options for mini-split systems that can provide an average-sized home with the cooling it needs during hot summer heatwaves. The following ductless AC installation information will help you choose the right system design for the needs of your home: Read More 

Five Tips For An Allergy-Friendly AC System

Living with summer allergies isn't fun, but you can take steps to make your home an allergy-free oasis. By managing your AC system correctly, it's possible to stay cool and comfortable without any allergy woes 1. Clean the AC System Annually Dust, pollen, and mold in the AC air handler and the duct system will constantly circulate through the home, causing allergy sufferers discomfort. Make an annual system cleaning a regular part of your yearly AC maintenance visit. Read More 

5 Traits To Look For In An HVAC Repair Company

If your HVAC system just isn't cutting it anymore and something is wrong that you can't figure out on your own, it is time to bring in a professional to assist you with the issue. When it comes to hiring an HVAC service to repair your unit, you want to make sure you hire the right contractor. Below are five traits you should look for in an HVAC contractor. Trait #1: Certified HVAC Contractor Read More 

Warning Signs That Your Air Ducts Are In Need Of Professional HVAC Repair

When it comes to your HVAC system, you probably spend at least some time performing maintenance on your actual heater and air conditioner, but what the system that those devices use to get the heated or cooled air where it needs to go? Your air ducts are just as important as any other major part of your HVAC system when it comes to keeping your home at the right temperature. An air duct that's lost its seal or is encountering other problems will cause your entire HVAC system to run much less efficiently and your energy bill will likely go up as a result. Read More 

Air Conditioner Problems After A Power Loss: Four Common Issues

When power is restored after a power outage, everything goes right back to its normal working order, right? If you are inquiring about an air conditioner, the answer is most of the time. A sudden loss of power can sometimes trigger issues with an air conditioner that may prevent it from functioning like it is supposed to. Learn a few of the signs of trouble after a power loss.  Circuit Breaker Read More