AC Repairs To Plan For When Your System Fails, And Your Home Heats Up

When your AC stops cooling your home, the problems are not always minor. Sometimes, there may be major repairs that you need to plan for to get your home cool again. These repairs include things like replacing the compressor and upgrades. The following AC repair information will help you plan for these major projects when your air conditioner stops cooling: Electrical Failures With AC Equipment  Often, electrical problems are what cause AC systems to not work when they should. Read More 

How A Hard Start Kit Might Solve Problems When Your AC Compressor Struggles To Kick On

If your AC isn't keeping your house cool, check your condenser outside. Look through the top to see if the fan is turning and listen for the compressor to kick on. If all you hear is a humming noise rather than the sound of the compressor coming on, there could be a problem with the compressor or the capacitor connected to it. Here's how an air conditioning repair professional might troubleshoot problems with a compressor and make repairs with a hard start kit. Read More 

5 Reasons Your Outdoor AC Unit Won’t Come On

The outdoor portion of your AC unit is what circulates outdoor and indoor air, as well as what cools it and moves it into your home. If it fails to come on, you may hear a clicking from the indoor air handler and possibly even the hum of a fan movement, but there will be no cool air coming in nor will the outdoor unit begin to hum.  1. Failed Circuit Connection Read More 

Air Conditioning Repairs That Can Save You Money During Summer Weather

The problems with your AC may go unnoticed and become costlier as they go unrepaired. Therefore, repairs should be done to help you save money and ensure your air conditioning is working properly. The following AC repairs need to be done to help you save money this summer: Repair or Replace the Blower The blower may be one of the first issues that you have to deal with. Problems with the AC blower can reduce airflow and cause your AC to use more electricity to cool your home. Read More 

4 Things You Should Know About Air Conditioning Maintenance

While most homes have air conditioning units, many homeowners do not know about air conditioning maintenance. Like any other home appliance, you need to maintain your HVAC system for it to perform optimally. Learning about HVAC maintenance ensures you care for your air conditioning unit to the best of your ability. Here are the four things to know about air conditioning maintenance.  1. Cleaning Your Air Conditioning Filters Improves your Unit's Overall Performance Read More